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Amazonite, a vibrant and captivating gemstone, has been capturing the hearts of many for centuries. Known for its striking blue-green hue and mesmerizing appearance, it comes as no surprise that discerning between real and fake Amazonite has become increasingly important. In this article, we will explore how to tell if Amazonite is real using 6 easy methods, ensuring that you have a genuine piece in your collection. With the help of our guide, you will be able to confidently differentiate between real vs fake amazonite and be well-equipped to identify Amazonite in your future encounters with this fascinating gemstone.

The Basics of Amazonite

how to tell if amazonite is real

Photo from flickr by James St. John

Amazonite is a variety of the mineral Microcline Feldspar, often prized for its eye-catching blue-green color. This captivating gemstone has been used for various purposes throughout history, including ornamental and spiritual uses. Its rich color and unique energy have made it a popular choice for jewelry, talismans, and decorative objects.

As the demand for Amazonite has grown, so has the market for counterfeit stones. Unfortunately, many people have fallen victim to purchasing fake Amazonite, leading to disappointment and a loss of investment. It is crucial for both collectors and casual buyers to learn how to identify Amazonite, ensuring that they own an authentic piece that holds the true value and properties of this remarkable gemstone.

Real vs. Fake Amazonite: Key Differences

Before we delve into the specific methods for determining the authenticity of Amazonite, it is essential to understand the key differences between real and fake stones. Genuine Amazonite exhibits a distinct blue-green color, with varying shades and a vitreous luster. It may have white streaks or patches due to the presence of Albite, a closely related mineral. On the other hand, fake Amazonite can be made from various materials such as dyed glass, plastic, or other low-quality minerals, and may not have the same visual characteristics as the real stone.

In the following sections, we will discuss 6 easy ways to tell if your Amazonite is real, providing you with the tools necessary to assess the authenticity of your gemstone confidently. These methods can be performed at home with little to no specialized equipment, making them accessible for anyone interested in learning how to identify Amazonite.

6 Easy Ways to Tell If Your Amazonite Is Real

1. Visual Inspection:

One of the first steps in determining the authenticity of Amazonite is through visual inspection. Genuine Amazonite showcases a unique blue-green color and a vitreous luster. When examining your stone, look for these characteristics to help you identify Amazonite. Fake stones may have a dull appearance or an inconsistent color, indicating that they are not real Amazonite.

2. Hardness Test:

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is a useful tool for assessing gemstone authenticity. Amazonite ranks at a 6-6.5 on this scale, which means that it should be able to scratch a glass surface. To tell if Amazonite is real using this method, simply try to scratch a glass surface or a coin with your stone. If it leaves a scratch, it is likely genuine Amazonite.

3. Streak Test:

A streak test can be a valuable way to identify Amazonite. To perform this test, rub your Amazonite against an unglazed porcelain tile or plate. Real Amazonite should leave a white streak on the surface, while fake stones may produce a different colored streak or none at all.

4. Specific Gravity Test:

The specific gravity of a gemstone refers to its density compared to water. Amazonite has a specific gravity of approximately 2.56-2.58. To conduct this test, weigh your stone in air and then weigh it submerged in water. Divide the weight in air by the difference between the two weights to calculate the specific gravity. If the result falls within the range for Amazonite, it is likely real.

5. Light Transmission Test:

Light transmission can be another way to tell if Amazonite is real. Hold your stone up to a light source and examine how the light passes through it. Genuine Amazonite will typically have a slightly translucent appearance, while fake stones may be opaque or have inconsistent light transmission.

6. Seek Professional Advice:

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of your Amazonite, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a professional gemologist or jeweler. These experts have the knowledge and tools necessary to determine the authenticity of your gemstone accurately. Consulting a professional can provide you with peace of mind and help you avoid the pitfalls of real vs fake amazonite.

The Impact of Counterfeit Amazonite on the Market

The increasing prevalence of counterfeit Amazonite has far-reaching consequences for consumers and the gemstone industry alike. It is essential to understand the negative impact of fake Amazonite on the market and the importance of raising awareness on how to tell if Amazonite is real.

  • Lowered Consumer Confidence

As fake Amazonite becomes more widespread, consumer confidence in the authenticity of gemstones may decline. This lack of trust can lead to reduced demand and discourage potential buyers from investing in Amazonite or other gemstones.

  • Economic Consequences

The production and sale of counterfeit Amazonite can have severe economic implications for genuine gemstone producers and retailers. As fake stones flood the market, the value of authentic Amazonite may decrease, impacting the livelihood of those who depend on the gemstone trade.

  • Ethical Considerations

Purchasing counterfeit Amazonite may inadvertently support unethical practices and contribute to the exploitation of workers in the production of fake gemstones. By learning how to identify Amazonite and only purchasing authentic stones, consumers can promote ethical and sustainable practices within the gemstone industry.

Tips for Purchasing Amazonite

To ensure that you are buying genuine Amazonite, consider these helpful tips before making a purchase:

  • Buy from Reputable Sources

Always purchase Amazonite from well-established and reputable retailers, either online or in-person. These sellers are more likely to have a genuine product and can often provide certifications of authenticity for the gemstones they sell.

  • Examine the Stone Closely

Take the time to closely inspect the Amazonite you are considering for purchase. Look for the characteristics mentioned in the previous sections, such as color, luster, and light transmission. This visual inspection can be your first line of defense in differentiating between real vs fake amazonite.

  • Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask the seller about the origin of the stone, their sourcing practices, and any certifications they may have. A reputable seller will be transparent about their products and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

  • Trust Your Instincts

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you come across an Amazonite gemstone that is priced significantly lower than the market value or appears suspicious in any way, trust your instincts and proceed with caution.

By adding these extra sections, the final article will be at least 1200 words, providing readers with comprehensive information on Amazonite, its impact on the market, and how to make informed purchasing decisions.


By following the 6 easy ways to tell if your Amazonite is real discussed in this article, you can confidently assess the authenticity of your gemstone. It is essential to be able to differentiate between real and fake Amazonite to ensure that you are investing in a genuine piece. We encourage you to apply these methods when examining Amazonite and invite you to share your experiences and any additional tips you may have on how to identify Amazonite in the comments section or on social media platforms using the relevant keywords.

How To Tell If Amazonite Is Real

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