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Blue obsidian stones are a far cry from their black counterparts in appearance and instead have a distinctly bluish tint. It’s blue, like colored glass, but it’s physically harder than regular glass so a blue obsidian crystal may be used for reflectors, windows, and other purposes.

One of the blue obsidian properties is the extraordinary way its name color reflects light. The beautiful patterns and colors we see today in blue obsidian are the consequence of the rapid growth of lightweight crystals during cooling. Typically, the obsidian is a dark blue with lighter blue striped veins flowing through it.

The rare and potent healing crystal known as blue obsidian is highly sought after by those who practice homeopathy. However, if blue obsidian is going to be a part of your journey, you need to know a few things about it because it might be the missing crystal in your collection.


What Is Blue Obsidian?


Blue obsidian is formed by volcanic lava with a high concentration of silica and contains gas bubbles trapped within the lava and then rapidly cool. Because of this, we cannot classify blue obsidian crystal as a form of quartz.

There is a variety of volcanic glass known as blue obsidian, which is known to form when scorching lava is allowed to cool off very rapidly. This can occur when lava from an eruption flows into water or water from a stream flows into the ocean.

Molten rock or lava containing silicon dioxide can produce volcanic glass if the material cools and solidifies into crystals rapidly. This quick cooling results in blue obsidian crystals, which can take on various intriguing forms and produce stunning patterns within some varieties of volcanic glass, including blue obsidian.

Read more: Golden Obsidian: Meaning, Healing Properties, Benefits, and Uses


Where Is Blue Obsidian Found?

Certain regions of Greece and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco have natural amounts of blue obsidian stone, which is now mined in both regions. It does not take very long for one of these obsidian deposits to become depleted when it is discovered. This type of crystal is not naturally found in very vast quantities.

Crystals of blue quartz are created in a Russian laboratory and then exported to other countries. The new, intense blue hue is produced by dissolving natural quartz and regrowing it with cobalt.

Blue obsidian crystals are often synthetic since the occurrence of this gemstone is so infrequent, making them prohibitively expensive. However, the most straightforward explanation for why some sporadic types of obsidian turn out electrically blue is the presence of gas bubbles within the lava at the moment of cooling.

What Is The Meaning Of Blue Obsidian?

While many of us are acquainted with the jet-black volcanic glass of obsidian, we may be less acquainted with the numerous colored tints of this material, of which blue obsidian is one. Perhaps this is because its formation requires an extremely unusual combination of chemicals and environmental factors to occur naturally.

Although it is a beautiful shade of blue, blue obsidian originates from the raw, lava-fueled force of the world’s volcanoes. In contrast to the black variety’s seeming abundance of dark energy, the blue variety of obsidian exudes a soothing aspect while being just as effective at dissipating the negative vibes it attracts.

Being so rare, the opportunity to acquire a genuine piece of naturally produced blue obsidian disappears rapidly once a deposit is discovered and mined. But poetry in motion, blue obsidian is also a powerful healing stone.

What Is Blue Obsidian Good For?

Many professionals praise blue obsidian for its special energetic quality. The advantages of this translucent blue beauty aren’t as well-known as those of black obsidian, yet they’re nonetheless substantial.

Finding your life’s calling is at the heart of blue obsidian’s mission. It’s a key that opens doors to the meaning of life and a map to your destiny.

The crystal is not intended to bring up unpleasant emotions or traumatic experiences. Instead, it forces you to find your inner strength and power.

This stone’s healing powers encourage you to listen to your inner wisdom as you make your way to inner calm. Opens the floodgates, allowing you to take in the universe’s wealth of knowledge and encouragement.

Blue obsidian is a stone that will protect you no matter where your spiritual quests take you. It shields you from danger, allowing you to venture out without worry.


How To Use Blue Obsidian Crystal For Healing?

Crystals made of blue obsidian are often used in alternative medicine for mental and spiritual health. It can help you put a stop to the pain of former relationships so you can look forward with hope and optimism.

If you’re going through a tough patch, this stone can help you zero in on the underlying emotional difficulties that are getting in the way of your happiness. As a meditation stone, blue obsidian is particularly useful for gaining perspective on complex issues.

Blue obsidian not only helps us express ourselves more clearly, but it also helps us establish an emotional foundation upon which to build resilience. In addition, it encourages introspection, a necessary step toward accepting oneself and coming into one’s own.

If you’re interested in developing your psychic abilities through activities like tarot reading, blue obsidian can aid you in doing so. You’ll be able to find spiritual significance on several cosmic levels, too.

Read more: How To Carry Your Crystals?

How To Cleanse Blue Obsidian Crystal?

People often assume that obsidian can serve as a self-cleaning stone because it is essentially glass. This is false; like any other healing stone, blue obsidian requires regular cleansing and recharging.

The crystal may look like glass, but its energy reserves will gradually dwindle. Blue obsidian can be cleaned using any of the following methods:

  • When the moon is full, hide your blue obsidian in the night and get it back in the morning.
  • Put a piece of blue obsidian to rest in your garden and wait for up to 48 hours.
  • Meditate over a piece of blue obsidian if you want to purify yourself.
  • Blue obsidian may be cleaned for up to 24 hours in seawater.
  • Blue obsidian should be left on a bed of Himalayan salt for as long as possible.
  • Put your mind’s eye to work and set the intention to purify as you burn smudging herbs over your blue obsidian.

blue obsidian meaning and healing properties

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