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There are many black gemstones to choose from, and some of them, like black tourmaline vs. black obsidian, can look very similar to the untrained eye. Black obsidian and black tourmaline are shiny and dark; therefore, distinguishing between the two can be challenging.

Neither black obsidian nor black tourmaline has any discernible healing capabilities; therefore, this should not be your primary focus when trying to tell them apart. However, if you examine the crystal structure of these stones, you’ll quickly be able to tell them apart.

Often referred to as “volcanic glass,” obsidian has a glassy appearance. The tube-like crystals within the mineral cause the lumpy shape of black tourmaline.

When looking at black obsidian, you will have the impression of being very deep into the scene. Moreover, its surface is reflective without the addition of any polishing chemical.

Black obsidian’s unique healing properties come from its ability to balance the heart chakra. The impact on the center of the heart will be evident.


What Is Black Tourmaline?


In addition to its other names, black tourmaline is a silicate crystal belonging to the tourmaline family. It consists of iron, aluminum, sodium, and borate silicate and typically forms trigonal crystal structures.

Though it lacks any discernible hue, black tourmaline is a powerful protective stone. This jet-colored stone is known for its ability to absorb and dissipate negative energies due to its potency, darkness, and powerful grounding qualities.

Black tourmaline is so black it seems as if a volcano was hit with a sledgehammer. It’s not a stone that needs a smoother surface to make its message; it’s cool to the touch yet has ridges and furrows.

Black tourmaline comes from the soil and is unique in appearance. Although they are all a uniform black, under certain lighting conditions, the depth of their blackness can reveal themselves to be almost blue or iridescent.


Black Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Because of their inky blackness, crystals like tourmaline are loaded with symbolic significance. Many people believe that black tourmaline can be utilized to cleanse the aura and the emotional body.

So, as you look at the stone, your anxious thoughts, anger, and emotions of inadequacy will all disappear. According to crystal healers, black tourmaline crystals are said to assist their bearers in finding the courage to break their drug habit.

Healers of crystals believe that the black gemstone can instill a cheerful disposition despite hardships and encourage the development of a selfless character. Some people believe wearing black tourmaline might help them get out of a creative rut and into the real world.

Black tourmaline helps let go of negative emotions like fear and self-doubt. This stone should help you feel better and boost your confidence or self-esteem.

Read more: Black Tourmaline: Meaning, Healing Properties, and Uses 

What Is Black Obsidian?


Black obsidian combines water, earth, and fire because it originated in a volcano. This synergy also endows it with tremendous strength.

This stone is excellent for severing links and breaking free from toxic relationships. Toxic work environments and unhealthy relationships might be challenging to leave, but the healing powers of black obsidian stone can assist.

Black obsidian has a powerful ability to absorb, lending to its reputation for mystique. This is why it has found such widespread application in feng shui, spirituality, and defense. In addition, because of its purifying effects on the spirit, it is sometimes called a “spiritual cleanser.”

Most people use black obsidian for its cleansing and grounding effects. This is because it connects deeply to the ground and the lower chakras.

Black obsidian is frequently used to make crystal balls because of the widespread belief that touching the smooth, reflective surface can open a communication channel with the other side and allow the user to speak with deceased loved ones.

The tremendous grounding energy helps you refocus on reality and find your center, allowing you to rethink your approach. Having a high magnetic power, it is also packed with therapeutic effects.


Black Obsidian Meaning And Healing Properties

Obsidian is a highly defensive stone; therefore, it can be relied on to maintain your entire body in fighting shape by aiding in detoxification. In addition, obsidian is fantastic at maintaining a normal, healthy blood flow.

Furthermore, obsidian is fantastic for those with difficulties with their gall bladder and can be quite helpful to those experiencing digestive disorders. The obsidian stone’s only wish is for your optimal well-being.

The obsidian stone is known for its ability to shield its wearer from the harmful effects of destructive emotions and energy. It also has the potential to facilitate profound healing. Obsidian will do its best to throw its cloak of safety over your shoulders, ensuring that no matter what, you won’t be weighed down into a pit of despair, whether the bad juju comes from within or beyond.

The potential of your obsidian stone to fortify your root chakra is one of its most powerful connections. So if you want to stay rooted no matter what’s happening in the world, you must focus on your root chakra.

Read more: Black Obsidian Meaning, Healing Properties, and Uses


How To Tell The Difference Between Black Tourmaline And Black Obsidian?

 black tourmaline vs black obsidian

Have you ever purchased a crystal, only to find that it doesn’t look like the picture that you saw online? That’s a common occurrence when it comes to black tourmaline and black obsidian. Both of these crystals are dark in color and often mistaken for one another. So how can you tell the difference between the two? Let’s take a look!

Physical Characteristics
Black tourmaline is easily identifiable by its long, slender shape with pointed ends. This black mineral has striations or lines running along its length. It also has a glossy or glassy appearance that further distinguishes it from other stones. In contrast, black obsidian has an opaque surface with no visible lines or striations. Its shape is often more round or oval than that of black tourmaline, making it easier to distinguish from other stones.

The composition of both crystals is different as well. Black tourmaline is made up of iron and magnesium silicates, whereas black obsidian is composed of SiO2 (silicon dioxide). These minerals give each crystal distinct properties that can be used to identify them. For example, black tourmaline has strong electrical properties and can be used for physical healing purposes such as pain relief and stress reduction, while black obsidian has powerful metaphysical properties associated with protection from negative energies.

Where the two crystals are found can also help differentiate between them. Black tourmaline is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Africa while black obsidian tends to be found in areas such as Mexico and Iceland. Knowing where each crystal originated can be helpful in distinguishing one from the other if all else fails.


The Mohs scale is the standard for determining how tough various gems and minerals are. For example, black tourmaline rates 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale; its hardness is rated fair. On the other hand, the typical hardness of obsidian is between 5 and 5.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively soft mineral.


Conclusion: Black tourmaline and black obsidian are two very similar-looking crystals but have distinct differences when it comes to their physical characteristics, composition, and location of origin and hardness which makes them easy to tell apart once you know what to look for! Now that you have this knowledge under your belt feel confident next time when shopping for either of these two stones!


 black tourmaline vs black obsidian

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