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Tanzanite stone, a rare and precious gemstone that helps us break free of destructive habits and channel our energy for the greater good, sparkles in varying colors of lovely blue and exudes a captivating mystic aura.

Tanzanite properties is a metamorphic stone, transforming from a lilac-blue to a sapphire blue and then to a deep blue-violet.

Tanzanite, also known as blue zoisite, is a calcium aluminum silicate that comes in a spectrum of colors, from deepest ultramarine blue to light violet-blue, and is found in the form of colorful, generally striated crystals.

Crystals with a deep blue color and a faint purple rim are highly desirable.

In its unprocessed form, blue, brown, and yellow are the four natural colors of tanzanite.

Nearly all tanzanite is heated to achieve its distinctive violet-blue hue and eliminate brownish-yellow spots.

Because of its pleochroic feature, the crystal appears to have varied colors depending on the angle at which it is observed.

Tanzanite meaning is an excellent stone for those in the helping professions or anyone who must use their head to make sense of feelings and emotions.

Those with a high capacity for empathy, who use their gut reactions to data to develop conclusions, also benefit from this.


What Is Tanzanite?


One of the stones with the broadest range of colors is tanzanite.

To enhance its already brilliant brilliance, tanzanite is sometimes heated.

Untreated tanzanite, with its violetish-blue hue, is the most valuable gemstone in the world.

To gain access to the tanzanite deposit and mining area, miners from around the world, including illegal miners, must first obtain a mining license from the Tanzanian government.

To see a glimpse of the tanzanite crystal, people travel great distances to the Merelani hills, one of the mines.

They long to participate in the tanzanite market and are doing anything they can to get in on the cutting action in the hopes that one day they will own the coveted five-carat stone.

With the help of tanzanite, you can stop hiding your actual self and start living your life authentically.

You won’t succumb to social pressure to act like everyone else.

You’ll be honest about who you are and go after the things that speak to you.

You and your partner have decided to ignore the opinions of others in favor of your own.

What issues most to you is that your partner is pleased and your relationship thrives.

Wearing this stone can help you become more conscious and intentional, reflecting well on your relationship.

What Is The Color Of Tanzanite?

Zoisite can be found in a wide variety of natural colors, from colorless to gray to yellow to brown to pink to green to blue to violet.

Zoisite comes in various colors; however, the one most commonly associated with the name “tanzanite” refers to a blue to violet to violetish-purple shade.

It’s not rare to give a color variant a name based on its hue.

Red to somewhat purplish red samples of the mineral component is called rubies, while purple quartz crystals are called amethysts.

Interest in blue zoisite was reignited in the 1960s when translucent crystals of the gem were discovered.

Soon after, scientists enhanced the blue hue of some naturally occurring stones by heating them in the lab.

Small quantities of vanadium inside the zoisite mineral structure are responsible for the blue color of tanzanite.

Changing the vanadium oxidation state in vanadium-containing zoisite creates or improves the blue hue when the material is heated to 600 degrees Celsius for roughly 30 minutes.

Tanzanite undergoes a gentler thermal treatment than other stones like rubies and sapphires.

Only a tiny fraction of the tanzanite mined and sold commercially has a naturally occurring blue tint created by the heat of metamorphic rocks and not by human intervention.

Where Is Tanzanite Found?

Only in Northern Tanzania can you get the rare gemstone tanzanite, prized for its beauty and used in jewelry.

One local geologist has speculated that the entire supply could be gone within the next two decades, making it one of the rarest jewels on earth.

It was first uncovered in 1967 in Tanzania, at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.

The Merelani Hills in Tanzania are home to tanzanite deposits; however, tanzanite can also be found in Kenya.

Because of its scarcity, tanzanite is mined commercially, and artificial heat treatments are used on the resulting reddish-brown rocks.

As a pleochroic stone, tanzanite displays a spectrum of hues depending on the viewer’s perspective.

Tanzanite displays a bluish hue when viewed in direct sunlight.

The stone’s yellow, purple, and red colors become more pronounced as the day progresses.

Tanzanite has a beautiful burgundy hue with deep brown undertones accentuated by candlelight or standard lighting.

The tanzanite’s calming energy will banish sentiments of lethargy, and it will also assist in bringing to the surface any feelings that have been buried.

It’s a very inspirational rock that can help you get back on course after being sidetracked.

What Does Tanzanite Mean?

Since tanzanite is such a positive and powerful stone, it is not interested in burdening you with its heavy responsibilities.

Instead, this gemstone hopes to help you feel more airy, gentle, and in sync with your true nature.

Amazing things become possible when we go through the world bathed in the glistening beams of truth, whenever our wisdom steadies us, and when we maintain a controlled environment of lovely, tranquil delight.

The tanzanite gemstone has an innate air of mystery and majesty about it.

This December birthstone, tanzanite, echoes the raw force and icy beauty of the solstice season’s winds and velvety pure skies.

Due to its intense energy and vibrations, this gem can help you enter a state of meditative bliss and spiritual wholeness.

In addition to facilitating introspection and clearing away old patterns, tanzanite prepares us to receive psychic guidance.

Regaining and rekindling our power can be facilitated by developing our psychic abilities and opening ourselves to cosmic possibilities.

Read more: All Gemstones Healing Properties

What Chakra Is Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is most brilliant on a spiritual level—because of its indigo and blue color, tanzanite is associated with your throat chakra and third eye chakra.

When a stone resonates strongly with these two chakras, it is a sure sign that it will bring about significant healing.

The power to express one’s true self to the external world originates in the throat chakra.

Maintaining an open channel of energy between the heart, the neck, and the third eye helps us to embrace our true selves and thrive in the world.

The third eye, or Ajna, is another essential chakra because it connects us to our innate intelligence. When we are receptive, we may let go of any psychic abilities we may have been suppressing and believe that we already know the answers.

Truthful living is essential because it can transform how you view the world and its people.

The tanzanite helps us shed our past selves to better connect with and engage with our current mental state.

Therefore, there will be no more rehashing previous hurts, grievances, and resentments.

Wearing or dealing with tanzanite will facilitate only positive communication because of its link between the heart and the throat.

Read more: How to Select the Right Chakra Stone for Yourself?

What Is Tanzanite Used For?

It is believed that tanzanite’s intense ethereal energies might help one make contact with the hereafter.

Additionally, this stone will inspire you to tap into your power—it will help you relax and, in a way, will be cleansing.

The tanzanite’s calming energy will banish sentiments of lethargy, and it will also assist in bringing to the surface any feelings that have been buried.

It’s a very inspirational rock that can help you get back on course after being sidetracked.

This bond will be strengthened by the solid vibrational energies emitted by the stone’s colors.

You can learn more about who you are with the aid of tanzanite.

It’s a method to free yourself from convention and learn more about the meaning of life.

There will be a greater emphasis on self-control as a result.

With the help of tanzanite, you’ll be able to see past conventional constraints and follow your heart’s true calling.

Combining this stone and aragonite will strengthen your divine mind and bring you closer to enlightenment.

Like Shungite, the energies of this stone will boost your intelligence, give you an edge in battle, and make you a more astute strategist.

Read more: All Gemstones Healing Properties

How To Use Tanzanite Stone For Healing?

Tanzanites are fragile and should be handled and set with care—when mismanaged, they can easily break due to their fragility.

Don’t let it get too hot or experience drastic temperature variations.

It is advised to wear or have tanzanite around you for extended periods because of its slow-acting nature.

Tanzanite is a stone to have nearby when you want to relax and unwind in an atmosphere of tranquility.

It would look beautiful in your bedroom or a separate room where you meditate or pray.

A piece of this gemstone in your workplace will help you get more done while feeling less stressed.

You’ll be competent to get more done and feel inspired the whole time.

To purge your system and accept who you are, you need to do a deep internal cleansing, and tanzanite will help you do that by tapping into your inner power and fostering a sense of stability and harmony.

If you let yourself get sidetracked from your true path, tanzanite will help you get back to the correct route and stimulate your imagination.

Please keep it in your pocket or bag anytime you go out; wear it as jewelry to keep it close to your chakras.

Read more: How to Carry Crystal With You?


Tanzanite meaning and healing properties

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