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Howlite’s decorative nature makes it an ideal material for jewelry making. However, the stone is usually on the softer side and utmost care should be taken in order to prevent scratches and damages as a result of sharp blows. Howlite is naturally porous and has a softer texture. Thus, it can be possibly dyed, which is usually in blue tones and can be made to resemble turquoise. Sometimes, it’s dyed in red in order to make it look like coral.

What is Howlite?

Howlite is a stone distinguished for its white color with grayish veins. It’s usually dyed in order to resemble the looks of precious stones like turquoise and coral. This super calming stone comes with many benefits. Aside from helping to relieve all kinds of stress, it also makes for an excellent treatment against insomnia since it helps to calm the overactive mind.

Taking Care of the Howlite Gemstone

Howlite is usually softer compared to several other gemstones out there. Because of this, the gemstone could easily develop some scratches. It’s therefore ideal that you clean the gemstones with mild soapy water using a soft cloth. Just like with other gemstones, it’s not recommended that you use steam cleaners or ultrasonic cleaners when cleaning the Howlite as it could potentially damage the stone. It’s also not recommended to use paper towels or tissue paper to clean your Howlite as this could lead to scratching.

After washing, make sure you rinse the jewelry in order to take away any of the soapy residues. Before storing the jewelry away, make sure you let it air dry. When not in use, store your Howlite jewelry on its original storage box in order to preserve its quality. In order to avoid any scratches while your jewelry is in the storage box, consider wrapping it with a soft cloth or any soft fabric, which you can use to line the jewelry box.

More Tips on How to Care for Your Howlite

Here are more tips when it comes to caring for your Howlite gemstones:

  • To preserve the jewelry’s durability and high quality, take it off when going for a shower and engaging in exercises that could lead to extreme sweating. Don’t wear the jewelry when swimming out in a chlorinated pool or in the sea.
  • When using household cleaning products, take off your Howlite jewelry. Howlite could get dissolved when exposed in hydrochloric acid so if you cannot avoid using these harsh household chemicals and cleaners, then you better make sure to remove your jewelry before handling these household cleaning products.
  • Before sleeping, it’s highly recommended that you remove all your jewelry as they could get lost or damaged without you noticing.
  • Avoid exposing the jewelry to high temperatures as this could possibly weaken the overall structure of the beads. Aside from keeping them away from sunlight, you must also keep them away from hot ovens and other hot surfaces.

Hopefully, these tips can help you take care and clean your Howlite gemstone jewelry properly.