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Learning how to use embroidery hoops is a great idea if you are passionate about embroidery and want to take your skills to new heights. Whether you should use an embroidery hoop or not depends on a variety of factors. Things like your experience level, the type of fabric that you are using, and also what kind of stitching you do will matter quite a bit.

On top of that, an embroidery hoop offers more tension, which can be used to make higher-quality stitches. You can also prevent puckering in between stitches, something that’s common among many embroiders. Of course, there are some embroidery types that don’t need hoops, such as sashiko for example. Here we will learn how to use embroidery hoops based on the different types available on the market. Each one has its own range of benefits and features, so it’s crucial to see what works for you and if it can be adjusted to your needs.

Screw Tension Embroidery Hoop

This is one of the most common types of embroidery hoops. It has a screw-on outer ring that allows you to adjust the overall tension. On top of that, due to its popularity, this is one of the embroidery hoops that can vary in size, shape, materials, and so on.

It will cost you the least amount of money, but it’s very precise and that alone can indeed make a difference. We recommend using the screw tension models if you’re a beginner, since it does add to the experience and makes it feel more comprehensive. Here’s how you can use it.

  • Start by loosening the screw/nut on the outer hoop and then go ahead to separate the rings. It’s the outer ring that holds the fabric over your inner ring. This is important to keep in mind, as it makes the entire process way easier and more convenient.
  • Then you want to place the inner ring on a flat surface, add fabric over it, and then place the outer ring over the fabric. Press up to the point where the bottom ring feels snug. Continue by tugging the fabric corners so you can ensure the fabric taunts. The idea here is to not have the fabric just slip out of the hoop, as things like this can sometimes happen.
  • Lastly, you want to tighten the screw securely. Now you can go ahead and start working on your project. We recommend never leaving your work in the embroidery hoop for a prolonged period of time. It’s not supposed to be stretched like that all the time, and it can lead to creases in the fabric. Those can be very hard to remove.

Spring Tension Embroidery Hoop

This is one of those types of embroidery hoops that relies on tension to ensure your embroidering experience is the best it can be. An inner ring made out of metal is slotted into a groove within the outer ring. This generates tension and it allows you to work on your project the way you want. Generally, this approach is used for machine embroidery, but it can be just as good for handmade projects too. The handles can be rather bulky and sometimes they do get in the way. But you have to prevent that the best way that you can.

  • Start by squeezing the bars into your inner ring, so you can remove it from the outer hoop
  • Once you do that, you can lay your fabric on the outer top.
  • You can then squeeze your inner ring and place it within the outer hoop.
  • What that does is it helps provide all the necessary tension you need to work on your projects properly.

A good rule of thumb with these types of embroidery hoops is to hold the hoop so your fingers stay over that squeeze bar area. What this does is it prevents the thread from tangling, which can become a major issue.

Flexi Hoop

When you are browsing the different types of embroidery hoops, you will be quite impressed with flexi hoops. These look similar to real wood, however they are made from vinyl and they are very flexible. The Flexi hoop fits on top of an inner ring made out of plastic. The great thing here is that the fabric is held tightly, but that can also lead to a bit of a challenge when it comes to using these properly. That’s why some people use them more for things like framing a piece that was finished rather than stitching with them.

  • Place the inner ring on a flat surface, then add the fabric on top of it.
  • You can now use the outer ring to push together and keep the fabric in place.
  • The Flexi loop will deliver all the necessary tension, while also being a great frame for your project once you’re done with it.

Embroidery Snap Frame

An embroidery snap frame is one of the less used types of embroidery hoops, but still a very good option regardless. These frames are made out of plastic, and you can find them in a variety of sizes. While you don’t have that much flexibility or control, you’re still getting a pretty good value and quality. Plus, the fabric is very secure in them, which is great.

  • Place the inner pieces on a flat surface
  • Add the fabric on top of the inner pieces
  • Once that is done, use the other pieces to snap onto the frame and grip the fabric
  • Test out and see if you need to push a bit more, just to ensure everything snaps together tightly


Learning how to use embroidery hoops might seem challenging, but all types of embroidery hoops are actually very easy to use and adaptable to your own requirements. That’s why it’s a great idea to use embroidery hoops today, you will find them very useful. Not only do they deliver more control over your project, but some models allow you to adjust everything manually. It helps, and it does bring in some extraordinary results to use an embroidery hoop, even if you’re a beginner.

How to Use Embroidery Hoops

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