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If you have been thinking of some great string bracelet ideas as of late and would like to start a project like a 4 string friendship bracelet or even something more ambitious, you may be wondering how many strings you actually need to knot, or how long the main string supply needs to be so you don’t run out of string.

Today’s blog is going to solve all your problems because we’re going to share with you a sharp Q&A on the most common questions that bracelet makers have when they are just starting out.

Frequently asked questions

How many strings does a chevron bracelet need?

The minimum number of strings is three, and there is no real maximum if you look at the principles of how chevron friendship bracelets are made. You can just weave as many strings as you want to depend on the complexity of the design at hand.

Generally speaking, if you want a wider bracelet with a more complex design, you are looking at seven to eight strings per bracelet. But don’t be anxious – if you feel that you can’t manage this number yet, you can just opt for four-string, five-string, or six-string patterns.

There are so many patterns on the Web at the moment that all you need to do is surf, pick, and download. In terms of difficulty, the ones that have more strings are going to be more difficult to complete not because the patterns are going to confuse you, but because each knot is comprised of two loops, and the more complex patterns require a lot more looping than simpler ones. So just be patient, you are doing just fine if it takes more than an hour to complete a single, complex pattern.

What kinds of knots are used to make a chevron bracelet?

There are three kinds of knots that are used for chevron friendship bracelets: the left knot, the right knot, and the knot used for coloring base strings – the downward knot. All of these knots operate on the principle of serial looping.

Basically, you loop around another thread two times, and then pull, creating a single line of solid color tied to the next thread. Do this again and again and the bundle of the thread will soon tighten around itself with a definite, recurring pattern.

For those doing this for the first time, you will notice that the order of the strings will reverse itself after one full revolution. This is normal: the sequence will restore itself in the next revolution. Just keep looping and don’t worry about which string is on the leftmost or rightmost side. Always start from the leftmost side moving to the center, followed by the rightmost side, again moving to the center.

Once you reach the middle from either side, loop the middle string together and repeat the process.

Also, keep in mind that the order of the strings should be based on mirroring. For example, if you have blue, red, and white, the order should blue, red, white, red, blue for a five-string bundle. The left side should mirror the right side in a sequential manner.

What kinds of strings can be used for making chevron bracelets?

There are so many types of strings (and possibilities) that it’s challenging to list every option down. For beginners, we recommend that you try hardier types of string such as those used for needlework and sewing. If you are going to use crocheting threads, be sure to pick a gauge that is not too thick. Thinner gauges are actually better suited for creating woven bracelets.

Cotton pearl is another good option because it is spun from cotton and it’s awesome for creating durable bracelets that will stand the test of time. Ditto for those who like to add beads and buckles to their friendship bracelets.

After a time, many bracelet makers begin to experiment with the general form of the bracelets. Some try braiding, while others integrate beads, buttons, metal clasps, and other heftier items into the equation. This is when the general durability of the threads come in.

If you are using threads that snap easily, then you may end up with a broken bracelet after a few weeks or months. Generally speaking, the sudden snapping is observed in cheaper string types like craft strings as these are made from interlocking, synthetic fibers instead of nylon or cotton fibers.

Unfortunately, these are known to break more easily, so you can use them if you want, but only for simpler designs. For more complex designs that require a lot more knotting and denser rows and columns, use better quality strings. 

Can you use cords for friendship bracelets?

Cords can be knotted and woven, but only to a minor extent. Due to their density and thickness, it’s not possible to weave genuine leather cords, faux leather cords, or cotton cords the same way we knot and weave crocheting threads or sewing threads.

But who is to say that you can’t use cords to create a friendship bracelet? If you would like to take a break from the usual woven friendship bracelet, cast your net wider and use cords instead. The advantage of using cords is you can create plenty of variations as you can load the cord with buttons and beads without fearing that the cords will snap.

You can also create a wrap-around look easily with interspersed beads that go around the cylindrical creation easily. Really, it’s up to you how you would like your friendship bracelet to look. There is no need to limit yourself to what is commonly being done already.

What’s the best way to weave and loop?

In the beginning, because everyone is afraid that their friendship bracelet would unravel, people tend to pull on the knots too tightly. While this can still work, we do not recommend it because knots that are just way too tight can actually warp or distort the final product.

Give each completed knot a good tug, and leave it at that. There is no need to make the knots super tight because the other knots on the row will help stabilize each preceding and succeeding knot anyway.